Bruce Campbell Adamson PO Box 1003 Aptos, CA 95001-1003

Oswald's Closest Friend:
The George De Mohrenschildt Story

In the last couple of years under the JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act our government has spent more than 4 million dollars into the research of the assassination of our 35th President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. As a former Federal employee, on several occasions I have offered all of my research in writing seven times under the Whistleblowing Act to the present administration without receiving replies. President Clinton's former Chief of Staff, Leon Panetta, in the past (1992), had supported this author's research as a former Congressman for the County of Santa Cruz.

The following words are from Colonel Fletcher Prouty:

"I was the Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. As an active duty U.S. Marine on duty with a CIA operation, Lee Harvey Oswald was a member of a global military support project I managed. I had been in the Pentagon for nine years at that time in charge of this military support activity, and knew countless officials in the highest echelons of the Government---many of them CIA officials from Allen Dulles on down.
Since those years I have met a number of researchers and authors who have dedicated themselves to this Crime of the Century.
Among these hundreds of writers few, if any, have given more of their time, and of their experience to the valuable research of the life and times of George de Mohrenschildt, the man who was one of Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friends in Dallas before the assassination.
This story, in full scope, has never been told adequately. Bruce Campbell Adamson has done that with his new and most valuable book, "Oswald's Closest Friend: The George De Mohrenschildt Story.""

Fletcher Prouty


"Mr. Adamson has completed a work of scholarship for those who are, in any way, interested in the 1963 assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Mr. Adamson's work is in two books although each book may be read separately and purchased separately.

The first book is a timeline which sets the activities of all the major players (some well known and some not so well known) linked directly or indirectly to the events in Dallas. These individuals range from the Kennedy family and their associates, to government leaders, to Lee Harvey Oswald, to Oswald's friend George de Mohrenschildt. De Mohrenschildt was active in the intelligence community in World War II and there is evidence he worked for Nelson Rockefeller. Mr. Adamson simply sets out facts in chronological order in the timeline and allows the reader to draw his or her own conclusions based on the relationships disclosed.

Mr. Adamson's second book deals specifically with George de Mohrenschildt, a white Russian emigrant who befriended Lee Harvey Oswald. In this well documented nad well researched volume Mr. Adamson draws some startling conclusions as to who was really behind President Kennedy's assassination and why our President was killed.

As a former prosecutor in the United States military and as a present prosecutor in California, I was impressed both with the manner in which Mr. Adamson collected and presented facts and with the depth of his analysis. As a skeptic of any conspiracy theory, I must confess that I find Mr. Adamson's facts and analysis compelling after having read his books. These books should be read by anyone who is interested in this pivotal period of our nation's history."

Andrew D. Amerson.


"Thank you for your continued contact with my office...on the assassination of President, John F. Kennedy. From the documentation you have provided, you certainly seem to have devoted a great deal of time to this dramatic event...I send my best wishes for success in your future endeavors."

Leon Panetta.

Around Jan. 6, 1993, former Congressman, now Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton, presented portions of Adamson's research to the Judiciary Committee of Congress.


The JFK Assassination Chart, and Oswald's Closest Friend: The George de Mohrenschildt Story.

The following volumes comprise the complete series for the book Oswald's Closest Friend; The George De Mohrenschildt Story :
Vol. 1: 1,000 Points Of Light; (Public Remains in the Dark).
Vol. 1: Clearing The Conscience In Manapalan Beach
Vol. 2: Mr. McGhee You've Done It Again
Vol. 3: The H.L. Hunt Theory Is Ketchin-up To The JFK Assassination
Vol. 4: Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt, The Very First Cold Warrior
Vol. 5: By George: His Haitian Baby Was Not For Papa
Vol. 6: Allen Dulles' Paine Must Be Let Luce
Vol. 7: Right Men Going In the Wrong Direction
Vol. 8: Wolfing Communism Without Trotsky


Vol. I 1,000 Points of Light, (While the Public Remains in the Dark) is a detailed analysis of George Bush's association to Oswald's Closest Friend, George De Mohrenschildt. The research will focus on George Bush's involvement with Texas oilman, including H.L. Hunt, John Mecom, George De Mohrenschildt and to the JFK assassination. In 1975, when Bush was nominated as CIA Director, he failed to disclose that he had known de Mohrenschildt since 1942. Three Congressional Committees Rockefeller, Church and HCSA looked into the CIA's role in JFK's assassination. As CIA Director Top Secret documents came up missing under Bush. In 1976 Bush failed to disclose that he had known Oswald's closest friend when the HSCA investigation was in the works to examine the possibility of a conspiracy into JFK's demise. It will also look at Senator John Tower's ties to Bush, Oswald and de Mohrenschildt.

Vol. I also contains: Clearing the Conscience in Manapalan Beach, this is a thorough investigation and description of George De Mohrenschildt's suicide of March 29, 1977. De Mohrenschildt's suicide resulted in the first coroner's inquest in the State of Florida. It includes interviews of Edward Jay Epstein and Willem Oltmans. The booklet contains several photographs and at least one of De Mohrenschildt's suicide.

1,000 Points of Light and Clearing the Conscience sells for $17.00 plus $2.50 for postage and handling in U.S. it is 100 pages, (50 pages back to back) It weighs 13 ounces.

Vol. 2 Mr. McGhee You've Done It Again. This volume explores Undersecretary of State, George Crew McGhee and his friendship with de Mohrenschildt. McGhee was disliked by RFK, while he was an old time friend of LBJ's. It is shown that McGhee is firmly linked to many of the main suspects in this saga. Those include Nelson Rockefeller, C.B. Wrightsman, Allen Dulles and Lyndon Baines Johnson. Contains a look into the General Edwin Walker shooting.

Vol. II. also contains a thorough investigation into the CIA's Republic National Bank Building, where McGhee, de Mohrenschildt and Robert Gerald Storey worked. Storey lead the JFK Assassination investigation for the Texas Attorney General, Waggoner Carr.

Mr. McGhee You've Done It Again sells for $15.00 and 2.50 in postage and handling within the U.S. It is 60 pages (30 back to back) and weighs 4 ounces.

Vol. III The H.L. Hunt Theory is Ketchin-up With JFK Assassination The volume provides a detailed look into H.L. Hunt's ties to De Mohrenschildt, JFK, LBJ and to the CIA. It also links De Mohrenschildt to the Hunt brother's wiretapping case and attorney Percy Foreman's ties to LBJ, Jack Ruby and an associate of De Mohrenschildt's. E. Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, is thoroughly examined and the possibility of a H.L. Hunt intentional frame-up theory. Also ties H.L. Hunt and JFK to former FBI man who was supposed to be Oswald's armored car driver at the Dallas City Jail. The H.L. Hunt Theory is Ketchin-up to the JFK Assassination sells for $15.00 and $2.50 postage within the U.S. It is 70 pages (35 back to back) and weighs 8 ounces.

Vol. IV The Very First Cold Warrior: Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt this volume covers Dimitri's first job with the Bolshevik's, the founding of the Russian Review while Dimitri worked for the OSS and the promotion of the CIA's Radio Free Europe and Amcomlib (aka Radio Liberty). William H. Chamberlin, conservative columnist for the Wall Street Journal, was Dimitri's closest friend and was telling Allen Dulles "how" to run the Warren Commission.

The Very First Cold Warrior :Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt, sells for $15.00 and $2.00 for postage and handling. It is pages (45 back to back) and weighs 10 ounces.

Vol. V By George: His Haitian Baby Was Not For Papa. A detailed examination of de Mohrenschildt's ties to LBJ and to Texas oilmen are presented in this volume. Not every oilman is covered within this portion. George McGhee, George Bush and C.B. Wrightsman are covered elsewhere, all had ties to de Mohrenschildt and LBJ. In addition, this volume reviews the relationship between Angier Biddle Duke with de Mohrenschildt, LBJ and JFK. It also contains a wealth of compelling evidence on Colonel Howard Burris' association and meeting with de Mohrenschildt.

Haitian Baby Was Not For Papa sells for $15.00 plus $2.50 for postage and is 150 pages.

Vol. VI Allen Dulles' Paine Must be Let Luce This volume contains a thorough examination of the compelling evidence linking Ruth Paine, Henry and Clare Luce, Prescott Bush and Allen Dulles' ties to Mary Bancroft. Bancroft was the lover of both Henry Luce and Allen Dulles simultaneously and the long-time friend of the mother of Oswald's landlord prior to the assassination. Bancroft worked on the WWII assassination attempt on Adolph Hitler. The evidence proves that Dulles was involved in the cover-up of the JFK assassination.

Allen Dulles' Paine Must be Let Luce sells for $15.00 and $2.50 for postage and handling in the U.S. It is 120 pages ( new edition 60 back to back) and weighs 4.5 ounces.

Vol. VII Right Men Going In the Wrong Direction is a thoroughly researched presentation on George de Mohrenschildt's ties to C.B. Wrightsman, Oleg and Igor Cassini. This study focuses on the theory that de Mohrenschildt set-up Lee Harvey Oswald because of RFK's criminal prosecution against Igor Cassini. The prosecution resulted in Charlene (Wrightsman) Cassini's suicide seven months before JFK's assassination. A relationship is prove between de Mohrenschildt, third wife Dr. Wynne Sharples, to Count and Countess Igor Cassini and their in-laws, the C.B. Wrightsman's of Palm Beach. One part of this volume also examines the possibility of a White Russian coup through the CIA-sponsored Tolstoy organization. There are 39 photographs of the Cassini's, De Mohrenschildt's Kennedy's, and Wrightsman's displayed here. It also contains the genealogical research for the de Mohrenschildt and von Mengden families.

Right Men Going In the Wrong Direction sells for $20.00 plus 3.50 for postage and handling within the USA. It is 220 pages (100 back to back) and it weighs about 1 pound.

Vol. VIII Wolfing Communism Without Trotsky This volume takes a thorough look at the relationships between Bertram Wolfe, Allen Dulles and Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt. It also covers William F. Buckley, Jr. and his editor James Burnham. The Nelson Rockefeller story has been incorporated into this book. Still in production, tentative release date is December 15, 1996. Estimated price is $15.00.

Bruce Campbell Adamson
P.O. Box 1003, Aptos, CA, 95061-1103
