
Bruce Campbell Adamson PO Box 1003 Aptos,
CA 95001-1003

Volumes 1
- 6 Volu mes 7 - 11 Other
Brand New! Buy Entire JFK Timeline
and De Mohrenschildt Story
volumes on C.D. click on link below:
Vol. 1-11 and 700 pages more added
: entirely on CD (2500 pages) using Acrobat 6.0.
rices have gone up. If you want to buy certain books
I can put them on C.D. at $10.00 each. If more than four I can
adjust the price. I am more inclined to sell only C.D.'s and
not take the time to bind books.
Vol. VII
Wrightmen Going In Wrong Directions
is a thoroughly
researched presentation on George de Mohrenschildt's ties
to C.B. Wrightsman, Oleg and Igor Cassini. This
study focuses on the theory that de Mohrenschildt set-up
Lee Harvey Oswald because of RFK's criminal prosecution
against Igor Cassini. The prosecution resulted in Charlene
(Wrightsman) Cassini's suicide seven months before JFK's
assassination and three days before the Major General Walker
shooting. Charlene's grandfather C.J. Wrightsman
authored the oil depletion allowance in the 1920s. A relationship
is proven between de Mohrenschildt, third wife Dr.
Wynne Sharples, to Count and Countess Igor Cassini
and their in-laws, the C.B. Wrightsman's of Palm Beach.
One part of this volume also examines the possibility of a White
Russian coup through the CIA-sponsored Tolstoy organization.
Also covered in this book is the intimate ties between that Georgian
Prince Dimitri Djordjadaze, Serge Oblensky, and the interconnections
between the Cassinis and de Mohrenschildt families. Also to the
assassinations of Rasputin and JFK. There are 39 photographs
of the Cassini's, De Mohrenschildt's Kennedy's, and Wrightsman's
displayed here. It also contains the genealogical research for
the de Mohrenschildt and von Mengden families.
Igor Cassini's book Pay the Price can be had for $8.00.
Wrightmen Going In Wrong Directions is 190 pages ISBN
Wolfen Communism Without Trotsky
This volume takes a thorough look at the relationships
between Bertram Wolfe, Nelson Rockefeller, Allen Dulles
and Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt. It also covers William
F. Buckley, Jr. and his editor James Burnham.
The Nelson Rockefeller story has been incorporated into
this book. It looks at both the assassinations of President
Kennedy and Leon Trotsky. Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt
knew many people who were close to Trotsky at the time
of his assassination in Mexico City including James Burnham.
Wolfen Communism Without Trotsky is 117 pages
ISBN 1-892501-11-2.
Vol. IX
Diana, The Queen of Hearts & The CIA/MI6, Princedom of Darkness
the latest evidence which ties Mohammed Al-Fayed (father
of Dodi Fayed) to the closest friend of Lee Harvey
Oswald, George de Mohrenschildt. Bruce Campbell Adamson has
put together his tenth volume on the deMohrenschildt Story.
This tome looks at the possibility of a CIA plot in cooperation
with the British MI6 to kill Diana and pay back Fayed,
for his association to George de Mohrenschildt. Fayed,
you will learn, was like family to the de Mohrenschildt's.
This volume covers a lot of territory in the JFK assassination,
including de Mohrenschildt's ties to six trustees of the
Museum of Modern Art: 1). Nelson Rockefeller; 2). Henry
Luce; 3). Charles B. Wrightsman; 4). William S.
Paley; 5). Philip C. Johnson and 6). John Hay Whitney,
whom owned Freeport Sulphur at the time of the assassination.
Freeport Sulphur has been merged into Freeport McMorRan and Henry
Kissinger is a director.
Adamson has
also tied Henry Kissinger to this episode, who still works
closely with the MI6-CIA and was close to the Mohrenschildt's.
Kissinger was in tears when Princess Diana passed
on. Kissinger and Associates claim they will make more
money than the Central Intelligence Agency. Was Kissinger
a mole as James Angleton has suggested? This volume will
give you a look at the associations behind the scene. You will
see a document that will show Henry Kissinger was given
top CIA protection in 1961. President Kennedy disliked
Kissinger and yet when JFK, Jr. died NBC has Kissinger
on giving his condolences just as they did when Princess Di
was killed.
Also covered are Diana's stance on
the land mine issue, and the mysterious witness, Brian Anderson.
Mohammed Al Fayed's attorney a Mr. Klein thanked Adamson
for information supplied on Brian Anderson. Adamson
asked Mr. Klein "How could Brian Anderson
be the only person in the world to see Diana's Mercedes
slam into the piling when there is a two foot long paint mark
and a lense from a FIAT-Uno left at the scene?"Two other
witnesses saw the FIAT-Uno in front of the tunnel and exiting
Diana, The Queen of Hearts & The CIA, Prince of Darkness
is 210 pages ISBN 1-892501-12-0.$6.95
Vol. X
The Adamson Report; Zapruder/Bush & the CIA's Dallas Council
on World Affairs
AND THE CIA's DWCAThis volume was
prepared for the U.S. Attorney General and the Abraham Zapruder
Arbitration Board. They were made aware that Zapruder
had ties to Oswald's closest friend, George de Mohrenschildt
(CIA agent) and both had ties to the CIA's DCWA.
The U.S. Government is currently considering
paying the Zapruder family heirs 16 million dollars for
the film even though I have brought these facts to their attention
and Zapruder had previously sold the film to a CIA affiliate
Time-Life. The U.S. Attorney General has returned the report
without investigation. Janet Reno first appointed Frank
Hunger to represent the Governments interests, Hunger being
the brother-in-law to Al Gore. While The Zapruder
family company LMH, Inc.'s lawyer is still Robert Bennett.
Bennett is also the lawyer who defended President Clinton
and his brother William Bennett was a top official
under former President George Bush. Should the government
purchase only the film for 16 million when Time-Life sold it
back to the Zapruder family for a $1.00. All were tied
to the CIA? LBJ's secretary Marie Fehmer's mother
Olga has said that Jeanne Le Gon was a very nice
person at Nardis of Dallas when she too worked with Zapruder.
Marie Fehmer was a guest on the "Today"
Show, NBC, 1/12/89. After the actual interview was over (which
was clearly edited for time constraints), Jane Pauley
was the one who mentioned, very matter-of-fact, that Marie
Fehmer became one of the first women as a senior officer
at the CIA. The odds of this being coincidental are like being
struck by lightening three times, and walking away saying "I
didn't feel a thing."
Zapruder, Fehmer
and de Mohrenschildt tied to the CIA, Nardis of Dallas,
JFK assassination. NBC refused to release this segment
of the show after they told me I could purchase it for around
$100. It shows that NBC has a working relationship with the CIA.
Regardless of Maria Shriver being a Kennedy and
an employee at NBC. Maria's husband Arnold was/is
the Bush's righthand man. Cousin Katie Couric is
still one of my favorite newscasters, yet she too is very close
to Shriver and NBC gives extra special credit by focusing in
on Arnold's political career.
Photograph on cover of de Mohrenschildt
and Dr. Wynne Sharples, de M's third wife, supplied
by Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt. Today Dr. Sharples
is living on a multi-million dollar estate in Palm Beach as Mrs.
Robert Ballinger and refuses to speak about de Mohrenschildt
just as she did when the FBI contacted her in 1963/64. De
Mohrenschildt's third wife also threaten to bring up de Mohrenschildt's
homosexual behavior to the FBI. FBI Director briefed George
Bush of the CIA on Nov. 23, 1963 on the JFK assassination.
While de Mohrenschidlt and the FBI Director had a good
friend in common, Dallas Cowboy/Texas oilman Clint Murchison.
The Dallas Council on World Affairs is an
organization founded by George Bush's mentor Neil Mallon.
Bush thought so highly of Mallon he named one of his
sons after him. Bush was also friends with de
Mohrenschildt since 1942.
The Adamson Report is 100 pages ISBN is 1-892501-17-1
Vol. XI
I Can Not Tell a Lie! by George de Mohrenschildt (Nor
the Truth)
The De Mohrenschildt
11th Volume
Father-in-law to George de Mohrenschildt
was in charge of more than 250 CIA agents between 1950-53, ten
years before JFK's demise!
This volume covers the career of S.W. Washington,
who worked for the State Department from 1926 to 1954. Washington's
step-daughter, Phyllis whom Washington raised
as his own married de Mohrenschildt on July 11, 1948.
After WWII de Mohrenschildt advanced within social, State
Department, CIA and governmental circles. In 1957 de Mohrenschildt
represented the State Department in Yugoslavia under CIA cover.
There is ample evidence now to suggest that his second father-in-law
helped de Mohrenschildt's career in the CIA and State
Depart ment. Mr. Washington worked with Allen Dulles,
Frank Wisner, Robert P. Joyce, J. Caldwell King and other
top CIA officials. Why did the Warren Commission ignore Mr. Washington
and his relationship to George de Mohrenschildt? Is it
because S. Walter Washington was related to George
Washington, our very first President through his mother and
father's side of the family? Book will carry an eight page tribute
showing all of the CIA connections to JFK, Jr. as publisher
of George Magazine.
Read about how Kissinger and other
CIA personalities were tied to JFK junior.
You will get to view never before seen or
published CIA documents signed by J. Caldwell King and Robert
P. Joyce.
Volume 11 is 100 pages
On January 17, 1966, the United States accidentally dropped four
H-bombs on the town of Palomares Spain while refueling. Two of
the H-bombs broke their mellons leaking plutonium into the crops.
A witness who saw the bomb fall into the ocean received over
a $100,000 settlement from the U.S. government, while others
got next to nothing. Adamson will look at the Angier
Biddle Duke and LBJ cover-up. Both had ties to Oswald's
closest friend George de Mohrenschildt (CIA agent). Adamson
has tied the fisherman to the CIA. A new report is due out in
July, 1998, but the Department of Energy does not know if the
public should be allowed to read it.
This 50 page booklet includes photographs and diagrams
ISBN 1-892501-16-3.
AFTER OFFERING $1,000,000 REWARD. In 1997 Larry Flynt
hired Bruce Campbell Adams on to write a 6,000 word JFK assassination
article, but killed the story. This is the story! The author
has also added exhibits to the article to let the public become
the judge to decide if there is enough proof to show a conspiracy.
This will NOT be an attack on the character of Larry Flynt.
In fact the author will incorporate material which ties the CIA
to Larry Flynt about the time he was shot. Coincidence or
conspiracy? seems to be the question.
Mark Lane, attorney who represented Lee
Harvey Oswald in death was friends with CIA Director Allen Dulles'
girlfri end
Mary Bancroft. Bancroft is covered in volume VI. Lane also represented
Jim Jones as an attorney and for some reason escaped with his
life from Jonestown while others were killed. Lane also was in
town on the day Larry Flynt was shot after offering $1,000,000
Reward. Mark Lane even represented Flynt. Tied to three tragedies
before they took place. Talk about Tragic Luck. Photo to right
is Jim Jones, his lovely Parrott and business card.
This 78 page booklet ISBN 1-892501-14-7.
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